změněno: 5939 dní zpátky | Odpovědět
Ahoj, přeposílám pár komentářů k filmu od našich zahraničních i tuzemských přátel:
5939 dní zpátky | Odpovědět
Mafalda (Italy):
Congratulations for Einstein! ^^ I wanted to tell you since long time ago, but I always forgot! I liked it a lot!
Ah, well, sorry... firstly I should say "good evening-how are you-and all the other pleasantries that I forgot" ... I'm so rude, sorry! asd
I should say thanks to you and the others! ^^ (especially for english subtitles asd) -
změněno: 5944 dní zpátky | Odpovědět
Federico Matarrelli:
I've just seen the movie and what can i say, the movie is great, the actor, the shooting, the idea, everything is really good.
Sure its one of your best play.
Keep on doing this cause you can do that really well.
I hope to see you all soon
Take care
Federico -
5946 dní zpátky | Odpovědět
Filip Musa Zangi:
Tak teď jsem dokoukal Einsteina. Ten nápad je výbornej, originální. Jediný, co je na tom škoda, je práce kamery. Ta má značný rezervy. Ale musím říct, že ten dabing je vážně skvělej. Hlavně je dobrý, že ty lidi, co tam mluvěj, maj hluboký hlasy. Ty tomu dodávaj tu správnou atmosféru -
5949 dní zpátky | Odpovědět
Rafał Dawidczyk:
hi, great movie, i like that kind of movies so I like it :) do you maybe habve other movies translated to english so i will understand? i tried to search on your site but i cant find anything :)
Keep up the good job :)
Rafał -
5949 dní zpátky | Odpovědět
Éva Viktória Szabó:
i really dont know much about films but i saw some and i like some and ah .. i just like it .. its so .. dunno .. cant find the right word.
im type of ppl who follow the story like i would be there too .. and this was amazing.
i like this kind of films. wow soo nice :)
congratulations :)
thx for this ;)
viki -
5949 dní zpátky | Odpovědět
Lorenzo Magno:
Einstein is great! It's a very introspective work, and I was told that the narrating voice is your brother's :D . And also, Jan and Milan are simply great, I endorse them for the Oscar as best actor and best supporting actor!! Just one thing, check the timing of the subtitles because there are 2 or 3 occasions in which it is wrong. I tried to correct it, you can download my file from http://www.megaupload.com/it/?d=PSH98T9L